Finnish player wins $700 000 jackpot

Making judicious deposits made with confidence winning small prizes plus the occasional jackpot. He then withdraws the money won in order to make the most of it. This is the type of player with his head firmly screwed on his shoulders that all casinos hate to have as customers.
The advantages of playing online casinos compared to land-based casinos
In a land-based casino players such as “SS” may be subject to careful video monitoring by the casino staff and the head croupier at the table. The young man week after week visits casinos with his pockets full of money and leaves with a suitcase full of cash. However in an online casino anything is allowed and it is much harder to monitor such successful players. SS can take his time from the comfort of his home in a quiet and intimate atmosphere to best choose which hand to play and make the most of each bet placed.
$700 000 jackpot won
This is exactly what happened when he played at Casino Classic which is the flagship
online casino of the Casino Reward online casino group. Casino Classic offers more than 50 different versions of video poker which allows novice and expert players to find their game. SS won $700 000 on the video poker game “Aces and Faces” a standard poker version game, simple to play and among the most popular games among the 22 casinos that the network runs. Video poker games offer simple graphics and a linear gameplay, without all the noise and lights of online
slot machines which are the bread and butter of Casino Classic.